Virgin Islands Adventure: Cost of Living

Well, it is expensive here. And, I am not talking about the cost of housing and education (which I have heard about but not actively researched). I am talking about performing simple tasks and going to the grocery store.
A pint of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream.....$8.00
One load in the washer and dryer at the laundromat.....$11.00
One pound of on the vine tomatoes.......$7.00 a pound
But ... the beaches are free .... and you can drive for days on one tank of gas ... and I would never ever ever have to pay for a perm!
wow those prices knock your socks off, now don't they!!! YIKES
Do the Brits own the island, or control the islands?
Wow, Betcha Rod broke the bank getting cappucinos! Curtucson
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