I have tried various selling venues over the years...I have sold on eBay and etsy and cafe press. I have even tried to sell off my own web pages under various names (ladyartichokeheart, among others).
Right now I am only selling stuff I create two places...
ebay and
cafe press.
At my eBay store, I sell art supplies, used books, a little of this and that...and this is where I am now selling my art dolls. I have mermaid dolls, goddess dolls, all kinds of art dolls. (I am in a doll making frenzy right now...and new things are being added daily...)
Through my cafe press store, I sell merchandise featuring my designs, photography and art dolls... This is where I sell Unitarian Universalist holiday cards (Kwanzaa, Christmas, Solstice, Hanukka...all featuring the Flaming Chalice.
You can also purchase note cards, t-shirts, throw pillows, ceramic tiles, sweatshirts and so much more...lots of great gift ideas there!
I have a website...which directs you to various places...and that is at
Finally...I have this blog...which allows you to get to know me...and through which I promote myself...(aka Blatant Self-Promotion) ... my art...my affiliation with amazon.com...and what I am thinking about, reading, watching and so on...
So...back to regularly scheduled blogging...
Later this week, you will have an opportunity to become a netflix friend...and to vote on my next hair cut...so...keep checking back...leaving comments...and ...
well...that is my blatant self-promotion for the day...